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第286期:Power-switching applications beyond silicon: Status and future prospects of SiC and GaN devices


  报告题目: Power-switching applications beyond silicon: Status and future prospects of SiC and GaN devices 

  报告人: Prof. Sima Dimitrijev (Griffith University, Australia)  

  时间: 2016年7月7日(星期四) 上午10:00 

  地点: 中科院半导体研究所学术会议中心 

  摘要:This presentation will review the development of SiC and GaN devices for power-switching application in the context of four specifically identified and explained application requirements: (1) high blocking voltage, (2) high power efficiency, (3) high switching speed, and (4) normally-off operation. Specific device and material characteristics, such as on resistance, parasitic capacitances, energy-gap values, etc., will be compared and discussed in relation to the identified application requirements. Following a review of the fundamental limitations of silicon as a material, the presentation will discuss the material advantages that motivated the development of commercially available Schottky diodes and transistors in SiC. In the final section, the presentation will analyze the potential of GaN to enable further technical progress beyond the theoretical limit of Si and even significant price reduction of power-electronic switches.


  [1] Sima Dimitrijev, et al. Applied physics letters, 1997, 70.

  [2] Sima Dimitrijev, et al. Journal of Applied Physics, 2001, 90(10).

  [3] Sima Dimitrijev, et al. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2008, 29(9).

  简历:Dr. Sima Dimitrijev received the B.Eng., M.Sci., and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from the University of Nis, Nis, Yugoslavia, in 1982, 1985, and 1989, respectively. From 1982 to 1983, he was with the Semiconductor Factory of the Electronics Industry, Nis, where he worked on the development of CMOS technology. From 1983 to 1990, he was with the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis. In 1990, he joined Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, where he is currently a Professor at the Griffith School of Engineering and the Deputy Director of Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre. He is the author of Principles of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd Ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011) and a member of the Editorial Board of Microelectronics Reliability.

  Email: s.dimitrijev@griffith.edu.au


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