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Thermal Characterization Methods for Microsystem Temperature Fields


Pei, Yanrong; Li, Wenchang; Liu, Jian Source: SSRN, February 13, 2024;


Microsystems face challenges such as high heat flux density and localized hot spots in the temperature field, which significantly impact their thermal reliability. The method for thermal characterization of the temperature field forms the foundation for studying the thermal reliability of microsystems. Accurately and comprehensively characterizing the temperature field is a challenging problem in current research. In this scholarly article, we present a viable approach for characterizing the steady-state and transient heat conduction mechanisms of microsystems. We introduce two new thermal characterization parameters: the gradient mode, which can more clearly characterize the magnitude of the gradient value and quantitatively analyze the spatial position of the temperature field change in the microsystem, and the heat flux direction factor (HFDF), which can effectively characterize the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of the transient temperature field. It can dynamically display the conduction process of heat flow in the temperature field, providing an effective means for revealing the heat conduction mechanism of the microsystem.

© 2024, The Authors. All rights reserved. (27 refs.)


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