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Voltage tunable sign inversion of magnetoresistance in van der Waals Fe3GeTe2/MoSe2/Fe3GeTe2 tunnel junctions


Zhu, Shouguo; Lin, Hailong; Zhu, Wenkai; Li, Weihao; Zhang, Jing; Wang, Kaiyou Source: arXiv, February 22, 2024;


The magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ) based on van der Waals (vdW) materials possess atomically smooth interfaces with minimal element intermixing. This characteristic ensures that spin polarization is well maintained during transport, leading to the emergence of richer magnetoresistance behaviors. Here, using all 2D vdW MTJs based on magnetic metal Fe3GeTe2 and non-magnetic semiconductor MoSe2, we demonstrate that the magnitude and even sign of the magnetoresistance can be tuned by the applied voltage. The sign inversion of the magnetoresistance is observed in a wide temperature range below the Curie temperature. This tunable magnetoresistance sign may be attributed to the spin polarizations of the tunneling carriers and the band structure of the two ferromagnetic electrodes. Such robust electrical tunability of magnetoresistance extends the functionalities of low-dimensional spintronics and makes it more appealing for next-generation spintronics with all-vdW MTJs.

Copyright © 2024, The Authors. All rights reserved. (41 refs.)


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