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Improving temperature characteristics of GaN-based ultraviolet laser diodes by using InGaN/AlGaN quantum wells


Yang, Jing; Huang, Yu-Jie; Liu, Zong-Shun; Zhang, Yu-Heng; Liang, Feng; Zhao, De-Gang Source: Optics Letters, v 49, n 5, p 1305-1308, March 1, 2024;


Temperature characteristics of GaN-based laser diodes are investigated. It is noted that the characteristic temperature of the threshold current (T0) decreases with decreasing lasing wavelength for GaN-based LDs. The performance deteriorates seriously for UV LDs at high temperature. It is ascribed to the increase of carriers escaping from quantum wells due to the lower potential barrier height. In this Letter, AlGaN is used as the barrier layer in UV LDs instead of GaN to improve the temperature characteristic of the threshold current and slope efficiency by increasing the potential barrier height of quantum wells. Based on this structure, a high output power of 4.6 W is obtained at the injection current of 3.8 A; its lasing wavelength is 386.8 nm.

© 2024 Optica Publishing Group. (18 refs.)


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