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Construction of a beta-Ga2O3-based metal-oxide-semiconductor-structured photodiode for high-performance dual-mode solar-blind detector applications



Author(s): Liu, Z (Liu, Zeng); Li, S (Li, Shan); Yan, ZY (Yan, Zuyong); Liu, YY (Liu, Yuanyuan); Zhi, YS (Zhi, Yusong); Wang, X (Wang, Xia); Wu, ZP (Wu, Zhenping); Li, PG (Li, Peigang); Tang, WH (Tang, Weihua)

Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 8 Issue: 15 Pages: 5071-5081 DOI: 10.1039/d0tc00100g Published: APR 21 2020

Abstract: Sensitive, high photoresponse and energy-saving detectors are urgently required to monitor solar-blind UV signals. The impressive advantages of Ga2O3 in this field give rise to extensive research and studies. A high-performance dual-mode beta-Ga2O3 metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS)-structured photodiode solar-blind detector is introduced. The device shows a rectifying ratio of 2 x 10(3) at +/- 10 V with a low reverse leakage current of 1.05 pA. Under 1.1 mu W cm(-2) 254 nm light illumination, it provides a specific detectivity (D*) of similar to 10(13) Jones, a high responsivity (R) of 189.89/3.96 A W-1 and a high external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 92 879%/1936% at 10/-10 V, suggesting a high-resolution and sensitive detection in the dual operating (photoconductive/depletion) mode. At zero bias, it exhibits an ultralow dark current of 4.2 pA, an R of 33.48 mA W-1, an EQE of 16.37% and a D* of 1.83 x 10(11) Jones, yielding a self-powered operation owing to the enhanced built-in electrical field. Moreover, at +/- 200 V, the device still avoids breakdown and displays an R of 3930.55 A W-1 and a D* of 10(15) Jones, allowing harsh environmental operation. In addition, no obvious degeneration was observed after two months storage. The dual-mode photodiode promises to perform solar-blind detection along with sensitive, stable and self-powered performances.

Accession Number: WOS:000530496500007

Author Identifiers:

Author        Web of Science ResearcherID        ORCID Number

Liu, Zeng                  0000-0003-3215-7929

Wu, Zhenping         G-2120-2015         0000-0003-2986-8068

Tang, Weihua         O-1998-2013         0000-0002-8771-3120

ISSN: 2050-7526

eISSN: 2050-7534

Full Text: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/TC/D0TC00100G#!divAbstract


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