[黄昆论坛]第375期:Topological bulk-defect correspondence 
[黄昆论坛]第374期:Van der Waals Material Devices for Logic, Memory and C...
[黄昆论坛]第373期:Energy Harvesting by Spin Current
[黄昆论坛]第372期:Enhancement of Light Color Conversion through Nanoscal...
[黄昆论坛]第371期: 光力学中的拓扑和非互易动力学
[黄昆论坛]第370期:Recent Advances of 2D Metal-Complex Nanosheets
[黄昆论坛]第369期:High-speed optoelectronics for underwater optical wire...
[黄昆论坛]第368期:The Development of Low Noise Avalanche Photodiodes
[黄昆论坛]第366期:Valleytronics and correlated phase probed by interlaye...
第294期:1. Photonic Integrated Circuits on InP: Technology, building blo... 16-09-29
第293期:Semiconductor nanowires for optoelectronic and energy applications 16-09-26
第292期:II-VI and III-V semiconductor integration and their applications... 16-09-10
第291期:Towards “Noiseless” Avalanche Photodiodes 16-09-09
第290期:宽带可饱和吸收体在超快激光中的应用 16-09-09
第289期:Surface Plasmon Coupled Light-emitting Diode 16-09-09
第288期:Design and Optimization of Silicon Photonic Devices 16-08-22
第287期:Interband Cascade Lasers and Related Optoelectronic Devices 16-07-12
第286期:Power-switching applications beyond silicon: Status and future p... 16-07-01
第285期:Why Do Hybrid Perovskite Work So Well For Solar Cells and Applic... 16-06-22
第284期:From [cm→nm], from [fs→DC]: a peculiar research path for a jun... 16-06-22
第283期:Recent progress in inorganic-organic hybrid perovskite solar cells 16-06-12
第282期:Fundamentals, modeling and design of small slope, beyond CMOS tr... 16-05-31
第281期:Parity-Time Symmetry Photonics: exploiting optical losses 16-05-25
第280期:Silicon Carbide Power Electronics: Challenges and Opportunities 16-05-25
第279期:Anomalous phonon transport/heat diffusion in nano scale systems 16-04-28
第278期:Integrating III-V quantum dot lasers on silicon platform for sil... 16-04-28
第277期:Nano Spin Conversion Science 16-04-28
第276期:Light effect transistors (LETs) for high speed and low energy co... 16-04-18
第275期:超高功率飞秒激光的现状、瓶颈与发展 16-04-18

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